Human Factors
Based on user-centred design processes, the "Human Factors" sub-project is developing pioneering interaction concepts for continuous automated driving in the city from an interdisciplinary perspective.
The challenges of the sub-project are to develop safe and comfortable usage scenarios and operating concepts that are tailored to the requirements and capabilities of all players in urban transport.
The sub-project pursues five objectives:
- Adaptive HMI concepts are being developed that are tailored to different levels of automation during the journey.
- In addition to automated driving along the SAE levels, the sub-project also looks at control strategies such as shared control and teleoperation.
- The design of display and operating concepts is based on the analysis of complex situations that are typical for traffic scenarios in the city.
- Various interaction channels and corresponding "xHMI" solutions for urban scenarios can be experienced in vehicles, driving simulators and virtual reality.
- User states are determined and taken into account when specifying assistance strategies. This ranges from the recording of vital data to the modelling of constructs such as willingness to take over, driving comfort, empathy and trust.